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Quick & easy to replace: the guide pillar with conical shank

01.09.2020, Die making

Guide pillars with a conical shank are new in the Meusburger range. They can be quickly and easily replaced directly on the stamping press, which makes them incredibly practical.

Guide pillars with a conical shank are always used where simple removal of the pillar is required. They are also used for continuous operation where the guide pillar has to be changed frequently. If for example a guide pillar with collar has to be replaced directly on the press, it sometimes requires a great deal of force to pull the guide pillar out of the hole. In contrast, a pillar with a conical shank is much easier to remove since only lateral force needs to be applied to release the pillar from the retaining bush.

Installed guide pillar with conical shank

Thanks to the surface quality Ra 0.1, which is achieved through the superfinishing process, and an h3-fit of the guiding diameter, very low vibration is guaranteed during stamping. The E 5060 guide pillar with conical shank and the E 5061 retaining bush for pillar, conical can be perfectly combined with the SV standard dies sets and the SH two-pillar die sets from Meusburger. As usual, they can be ordered from stock.

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Press contact

Should you require further information on this press release or have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us by email.

Julia Jakob
Komunikace / PR

+43 5574 6706-1496



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