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Achieve maximum precision with the Meusburger guide pillar with centre collar

15.03.2017, Die making

Especially developed for the modular concept, the E 5076 Guide pillar with centre collar allows for a high number of strokes through best surface quality. In addition it offers maximum stiffness through fixing in the guiding plate and highest precision with tolerance class of h3.


The standard parts manufacturer Meusburger expands its range of practical standard parts for easy installation and optimal guiding of die modules. Decisive advantages of using modules are the quicker tool changes resulting in reduced downtimes. The new Meusburger E 5076 Guide pillar with centre collar was especially developed for the modular concept and is available in diameters of 12 to 19 mm. By Superfinishing a high surface quality of Ra 0.1 is reached. This enables a high number of strokes and very low vibration. The guide pillar can be pressed into the guiding plate or fixed by means of retainer clips. This ensures maximum stiffness as well as optimal space utilisation within the stamping die. Therefore the user is often spared from using the next larger size of module. For an efficient installation and/or removal of the guide pillar the expert in standard components offers the eccentric E 5270 Retainer clip. The CAD data for the pillars are available for download in the Meusburger portal with just a few clicks. The new guide pillar and further innovative products related to the modular concept are, as is usual with Meusburger, available from stock.


Przegląd prasy

Press contact

Should you require further information on this press release or have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us by email.

Susanne Zukowski
Komunikacja / Relacje Prasowe

+43 5574 6706-1736



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