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E 3300 – Slide unit, small

The E 3300 slide unit is unique on the market in this design, but has a classic inclined pin and cotter.


Thanks to the extremely small installation space, the E 3300 slide unit is ideal for small undercuts.

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    Shim for adjusting the preload on the slide

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    Removal possible directly from the split line face

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    DLC coated slide guide

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    Clearance for inclined pins in the cavity plate

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    Slide made from 1.2343 ESR (≈ 52 HRC) includes thrust piece

Further details:

  • For small undercuts with surfaces from 10 x 10 to 12 x 12 mm (4 different sizes)
  • Inclined pin allows strokes of 3 or 6.1 mm
  • Two different types for optimal space utilisation
  • High wear resistance thanks to DLC coated slide guide

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